法人名 有限会社星栄堂
屋号 はんこランド
4代目 師岡 章次
 ・読売書法会 理事
 ・全日本篆刻連盟 常任理事
 ・静岡県書道連盟 常任理事
 ・浜松書道研究会 常任理事
 ・桜美林大学オープンカレッジ 講師
 ・NHKカルチャー 講師
 ・SBS学園 講師
 ・厚生労働大臣認定 一級印章彫刻技能士
 ・全日本技能大会グランプリ受賞 (昭和62年)
 ・日本印章協会公認 一等印刻師
設立 1884年(明治17年)
住所 静岡県浜松市中区中央3-7-1-101
電話番号 053-453-1521
Fax番号 053-453-9441
営業時間 月~金曜日10時~18時 土曜日10時~12時
定休日 土曜日午後、日曜日、祝祭日
駐車場 店舗前にあり 
url http://seieido1884.com/
mail info@seieido1884.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hankorando
Tポイント ご利用いただけます


Hanko Land accepts quotations and orders from online shop.

Please fill in the following forms for normal-typed seals
For special seals, kindly inquire by phone call, e-mail, or FAX.

How to order?

Order-confirmation and payment account information will be distributed after order has been processed.
(The shop will contact you within 24hrs except for closing dates on Sundays and national holidays.)
(There are possibilities of undelivery errors depending on your device-setting such as blocking mails from PC domains)

For our online store only, settlement by credit cards, or at convenient store is acceptable.

We will start making seals after confirming the payment to our account, and deliver to requested address by ordinary post.

Corporate name Seieido Limited,
Shop name Hankoland,
Representative Shouji Morooka
 ・Nitten(the largest art exhibition in Japan), Fellow member
 ・Yomiuri Calligraphy Association, Board of directors
 ・All Japan Engraving Confederation, Executive Director
 ・Shizuoka Calligraphy Confederation, Executive Director
 ・Hamamatsu Calligraphy Research, Executive Director
 ・Instructor, Obirin University Open college
 ・Instructor, NHK Cultural school
 ・Instructor, SBS Academy
 ・Certified by Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Top-level Certified Sphragistic Sculpter
 ・All Japan Skill Tournament, Grand Prix (1987)
 ・Japan Sphragistic Association, Top-level signet sculpter
 ・Craftsman of Hamamatsu (1987)
Foundation 1884
Address 3‐7‐1‐101, Chuo, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
TEL 053-453-1521
FAX 053-453-9441
Open hours, Mondays-Fridays 10:00-18:30, Saturdays 10:00-12:00
Closed, Saturday afternoons, Sundays, National holidays
Parking, Available in front of the shop. See details.
url http://seieido1884.com/en/
mail info@seieido1884.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hankorando
T-point Affiliated shop

Thank you so much for visiting our website.
Hankoland was started by Kumasaburo Morooka, the founder who started sculpting business in 1884.
We have a history of 140 years.
4th descendant(owner) entitled a Top-level signet sculpter authorized by Japan Sphragistic Association. At the same time, he aquired Top-level certified sphragistic sculpter certified by Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, and was awarded Grand Prix at National First-class Specialist Tournament
Winning grand prize at the tournament is not only to have our customers trust our designing skills, but also to feel comfortable entrusting to Seieido.
Each and every pieces are irreplaceable for our customers.
Engraving is always for keeps (serious match), putting our heart and soul, not to betray trusts from the customers.
The shop owner was the one and only entrée ranked in top 10 at International Engraving Touranament held in Hanzhou city, Zhejiang Province, China.
We promise that our technique is reliable, so please feel free yto make orders anytime.